понедельник, 8 октября 2018 г.

The Meaning of Life (Nigredo)

The Meaning of Life (Nigredo)

The first part of 'Opus Magnum' tryptich

"The Meaning of Life" (Nigredo) is the first part of the tryptich 'Magnum Opus' - my personal metaphysical journey into the pits of my subconsciousness.

 Took about five years to complete - it's not that I've been painting this piece all these years from dawn till dusk or vice versa (one has to be a real retard if he needs that much time for just painting over 400 square inches).

 The idea behind the tryptich is the cycle of life - we receive the gift of Life which many believe to happen in the kingdom of the Lord Of This World (the first part - The Meaning Of Life), then we learn about the death and spend our lives walking into it's emprace (the second part - The Meaning of Death), but afterwards all just come to Love (the third part - The Meaning of Love, yet to be completed), which is the reason for Life and Death.

 Each part took about five to ten years to complete (this one approx 1990-1995) and began with a simple design (in this one - two girls crownrd by the skull and two-headed eagle holding a dead bird) - a phantom bursted from my dreams and visions - I placed it into the center of the blank sheet having no idea what it will become later or will become anything. Then, like branches of a growing tree or new capillars spreading through the numb flesh, raising it from the dead, the mystic mandala has been completed, by the little steps and inspirations over the years - like alchemical process of working with the prima materia, the dark night of the soul, confronted by the shadow within, a putrefaction aka Nigredo.

My tribute to Hieronymus Bosch and medieval illuminated manuscripts which I studied for endless hours in my childhood.

 Original artwork is done by ink pen, colored pencils, watercolors and acrylics, no digital intervention here. The original size is 40x60cm (16"x24") and the details are so intricate (I used specially modified extra fine dip pen nibs because I was not satisfied by the thickness of 0.1 mm rapidograph tip).some of them require magnifying glass to be seen.

Prints are available

пятница, 28 сентября 2018 г.

The Meaning of Death (Albedo)

The Meaning of Death (Albedo)

The second part of Opus Magnum tryptich

"The Meaning of Death" (Albedo) is the second part of the tryptich 'Magnum Opus' - my personal metaphysical journey into the pits of my subconsciousness.

 Took about nine years to complete - it's not that I've been painting this piece all these years from dawn till dusk or vice versa (one has to be a real retard if he needs that much time for just painting over 400 square inches).

 The idea behind the tryptich is the cycle of life - we receive the gift of Life which many believe to happen in the kingdom of the Lord Of This World (the first part - The Meaning Of Life), then we learn about the death and spend our lives walking into it's emprace (the second part - The Meaning of Death), but afterwards all just come to Love (the third part - The Meaning of Love, yet to be completed), which is the reason for Life and Death.

 Each part took about five to ten years to complete (this one approx 2011-2018) and began with a simple design (in this one - incubi breathing fire into lingam skull to penetrate the inverted Ankh) - a phantom bursted from my dreams and visions - I placed it into the center of the blank sheet having no idea what it will become later or will become anything. Then, like branches of a growing tree or new capillars spreading through the numb flesh, raising it from the dead, the mystic mandala has been completed, by the little steps and inspirations over the years - like alchemical process of working with the chaos or massa confusa of the previous stage to purify and divide the opposites to unite them later aka Albedo.

My tribute to Hieronymus Bosch and medieval illuminated manuscripts which I studied for endless hours in my childhood.

 Original artwork is done by ink pen, colored pencils, watercolors and acrylics, no digital intervention here. The original size is 40x60cm (16"x24") and the details are so intricate (I used specially modified extra fine dip pen nibs because I was not satisfied by the thickness of 0.1 mm rapidograph tip).some of them require magnifying glass to be seen.

Prints are available

The Fall of Babylon

The Fall of Babylon

Based on Sumerian myth - Descent of Inanna to the Realm of Kur to her older sister, Ereshkigal. White and black owls scratched Ascend or Descent on Inanna's hands and comb her hair which turn into white and black snakes forming the base for the new caduceus of Baphomet. The remains of two sabretooth tigers veiled by Ereshkigal's veil crubmble into the fire of the Abyss along with the bricks from Ishtar gates.
The meaning of this artwork is the freedom of choosing new gods and goddesses, new myths destroy thick thousand years walls, the black veiled prehistoric skeletons, the freedom to ascent or descent and the freedom of the artist mind to rethink all of these paradygms in his visionary journey beyond the old myths restraints.

2018, acrylic and colored pencils on paper, 55 X 70 cm

Princess of Hell

Princess of Hell

1989 graphite on paper 40 X 60 cm

Goddess Mara or Midwinter's Night Dream

Goddess Mara or Midwinter's Night Dream

Painted in 2012 and dedicated to the end of the world which hasn't happened that year.

Mara, Slavic goddess of darkness and frost, covered by the Black God's raven's mantle closes her eyes as the first rays of the winter sun breaking through the dusk after the longest night of the year.

Are the wayfarers, who left the ashes of the night's bonfire, still alive?…

Published in 'Devil's Reign IV - All Of Them Witches' book © Howl, 2018

2012, acrylic and colored pencils, canvas on masonite 50 X 70 cm

The Song of The Werewolf

The Song of The Werewolf

2012, acrylics, colored pencils on paper 70 X 50 cm



2017, acrylics, colored pencils on paper 62 X 89 cm

The Thinker

Tribute to H.R. Giger and Rodin :-)
2018, acrylics, colored pencils on paper 40 X 60 cm

The Reaper

The Reaper

2017, acrylics, colored pencils on paper 50 X 70 cm

вторник, 21 августа 2018 г.


(A tribute to H. R. Giger)

1989, watercolor, colored pencils on paper 25 X 35 cm

Four Seasons (sub-part of a bigger 'Rethinking the Myth' series)

The Fall - Childhood of Little Mermaid Leda or The Death of Ugly Duckling

Little mermaid Leda has been told that ugly duckling which was her playmate during the summer, flew South, but she discovers the swan's remains in the black swamp. Since then the water in the peat swamps is red from her tears.

The Winter - Sister Alyonushka and Her Brother Ivanushka

Sister Alyonushka wanders across the endless plain coverd by the neverending snow. She walks from her youth to the adulthood but she has nothing to eat and nothing to protect herself from the frost. She finds the old Nazi SS dagger and slits the throat of her brother which has been turned into goat kid by evil sorceress. But she can't drink his blood and dies with him in the blizzard.

The Spring - Primroses of the Succubus

After winter's hibernation, succubus spills the first boiling spring blood onto the primroses and her halo shines again.

The Summer - Circe's Dream

Circe has died long ago but the Odysseus crew turned into swine still come to her gravestone hoping to become the humans again.

2012, four 70 X 50 cm paintings acrylics and colored pencils on paper

The Three Graces

The Three Graces

Assumption of Medusa, Black Sphynx and Alconost

The Three Graces Tryptich symbolises Death, Immortality and Eternity

2008, acrylics, canvas on masonite, three 40X80cm paintings



2012, acrylic, colored pencils on paper 50 X 70 cm

Diis Ignotis

Diis Ignotis

(To the Gods Unknown)

2011, acrylics, colored pencils on paper, 40 X 60 cm 



2011 acrylic and colored pencils on paper 50 x 70 cm